Panel One: OH MY GOD MR. LODGE BROKE ARCHIE'S HAND! I imagine a psychosexual pervert like Hiram Lodge with his raging Elektra complex smells the hands of anyone bringing Veronica home. Having caught a whiff of his daughter's sweet love nectar on the hands of one of her bumbling suitors, he likely flew into neck-veined rage and shattered the boy's wrist like it were twigs made of crystal. Of course, Archie being the oblivious dolt that Mr. Lodge has correctly pegged him as, probably just uttered an interrobang before asking if he could come swim in the pool.
Panel Two: Add any classic Mark Trail dialogue to Veronica's thought balloon and it'll fit. It's a handful of speedline away from being any scene in Speed Racer.
Panel Three: Those are clearly the faces of two guys peeing in the pool and not giving a shit. I'm pretty sure the floating rings around Jughead's neck are the result of him not washing stray hamburger grease off his body.
I'm surprised he didn't think Jughead was a Movementarian there to peddle yoga or peace or something.
Panel 2 - Hiram's Lodge's expression says: "I knock up my third wife and this is the thanks I get?"
C'mon! New stuff already!
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