My favorite thing about this strip is probably the fact that in the first panel Archie interrupts Jughead from what is either an invisible limbo contest of one OR Crip walkin' down tha row gettin' stoned.
Also, I have problems believing stuff accidentally ends up in a recycling bin, unless he mixed his homework in with newspapers and old porno mags.
Jughead, ever the nihilist, tries to "comfort" his friend by reminding him the cyclical nature of the universe and subtly telling Archie "you're going to die one day and your component molecules will be absorbed by other organic entities." At least, that what I want to believe, because otherwise the "punchline" to this strip is "haw haw your homework is on a recycling truck and therefore will likely be recycled in a manner that proves the robot making this strip does not understand irony."
Also, I have problems believing stuff accidentally ends up in a recycling bin, unless he mixed his homework in with newspapers and old porno mags.
Jughead, ever the nihilist, tries to "comfort" his friend by reminding him the cyclical nature of the universe and subtly telling Archie "you're going to die one day and your component molecules will be absorbed by other organic entities." At least, that what I want to believe, because otherwise the "punchline" to this strip is "haw haw your homework is on a recycling truck and therefore will likely be recycled in a manner that proves the robot making this strip does not understand irony."
I wish not agree on it. I assume polite post. Specially the appellation attracted me to study the sound story.
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